
A Python Reference Implementation for Representing Geometries in NetCDF Following the CF Conventions

This project demonstrates how points, lines, polygons, and their multipart equivalents can be represented in NetCDF-CF. The project includes a Python reference implementation for reading and writing geometries in a netCDF file.

You may also be interested in the R reference implementation.

Getting Started



CFGeom is primarily concerned with reading and writing the geometry portion of a netCDF file. While supporting CF 1.8, the implementation also demonstrates use of enhanced netCDF-4 capabilities for possible inclusion in CF 2.0.

What This Package Is Not

This package is not a general CF library for Python. For that, see David Hassell’s cf-python package).

This package does not handle reading coordinate system information or transforming from one system to another. Data variables in CF 1.8 include a grid_mapping attribute naming a variable that provides coordinate system details, so users should read that variable (which can be done with the netCDF4 package) if interested in coordinate system information. Likewise, when writing geometries to a netCDF file, users should project geometries to the same coordinate system as specified for the data variable prior to adding the geometries to the netCDF file.

About CF Geometries

NetCDF is a self-describing file format for storing scientific data, typically as multidimensional arrays. The Climate and Forecast conventions (CF) prescribe data structures and attributes within a netCDF file to promote data sharing and reuse. In addition to data measured on a regular grid, CF also enables users to represent data associated with discrete sampling geometries, such as a time series of average areal precipitation over a watershed. Using watersheds as an example, locations of watershed feature instances could be represented as a point (e.g., the watershed centroid). The variables defining each point’s location comprise the coordinate variables associated with the data variable.

CF version 1.8 introduced a specification for representing line and polygon geometries, allowing for the shape of a watershed boundary or river line to be encoded in a netCDF file in a standard way.

Note: Henceforth in this text, we shall use the term geometry to refer to line and polygon geometries introduced in CF 1.8.

These geometries are stored in addition to coordinate variables so that software can fall back to the simple point representation of features if the software is unaware of CF 1.8 geometries.

The geometries described in CF 1.8 include points, lines, polygons (including polygons with holes), and their multipart equivalents. The nodes comprising lines or polygons are assumed to be connected with straight lines in the coordinate system of the data variable.

In a CF-compliant netCDF file with geometries, the geometries are always associated with a data variable. The data variable includes a geometry attribute naming a geometry container variable which provides more information about the geometries via its attributes. At a minimum, the geometry container includes attributes declaring the geometry type and the names of variables storing x, y, and optionally z coordinates for each node in each geometry. The container may also have attributes naming which variables store the number of nodes per geometry, which variable stores the number of nodes per geometry part if multipart geometries are present, and which variable stores whether each part is a hole if holes are present. For more information including examples, see Chapter 7 of the CF Conventions.

Example: Polygons in a NetCDF-3 timeSeries featureType File

Below is sample CDL demonstrating how multipolygons with holes can be encoded in CF-compliant NetCDF-3 using a contiguous ragged array-like encoding. The example includes two polygons. The first polygon is a multipart feature with two triangles, with a triangular hole in the first part. The second polygon is a single triangle.

netcdf multipolygon_example {
  node = 12 ;
  instance = 2 ;
  part = 4 ;
  time = 4 ;
  int time(time) ;
    time:units = "days since 2000-01-01" ;
  double x(node) ;
    x:units = "degrees_east" ;
    x:standard_name = "longitude" ;
    x:nodes = "X" ;
  double y(node) ;
    y:units = "degrees_north" ;
    y:standard_name = "latitude" ;
    y:nodes = "Y" ;
  double lat(instance) ;
    lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
    lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
  double lon(instance) ;
    lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
    lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
  float geometry_container ;
    geometry_container:geometry_type = "polygon" ;
    geometry_container:node_count = "node_count" ;  // variable counting nodes per feature
    geometry_container:node_coordinates = "x y" ;  // variables containing spatial node data
    geometry_container:part_node_count = "part_node_count" ;  // variable counting nodes per feature part
    geometry_container:interior_ring = "interior_ring" ;  // variable indicating holes
  int node_count(instance) ;  // total number of nodes across all parts of a given feature
  int part_node_count(part) ;
  int interior_ring(part) ;  // 1 for polygon interior ring (hole); 0 for exterior ring
  float datum ;
    datum:grid_mapping_name = "latitude_longitude" ;
    datum:semi_major_axis = 6378137. ;
    datum:inverse_flattening = 298.257223563 ;
    datum:longitude_of_prime_meridian = 0. ;
  double someData(instance, time) ;
    someData:coordinates = "time lat lon" ;
    someData:grid_mapping = "datum" ;
    someData:geometry = "geometry_container" ;
// global attributes:
  :Conventions = "CF-1.8" ;
  :featureType = "timeSeries" ;
 time = 1, 2, 3, 4 ;
 lat = 25, 7 ;
 lon = 10, 40 ;
 x = 20, 10, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 10, 0, 50, 40, 30 ;  // note anti-clockwise order of rings
 y = 0, 15, 0, 5, 10, 5, 20, 35, 20, 0, 15, 0 ;
 node_count = 9, 3 ;  // number of nodes per feature
 part_node_count = 3, 3, 3, 3 ;  // four parts, with three nodes each (triangles)
 interior_ring = 0, 1, 0, 0 ;  // holes are indicated by a value of 1
 someData =
   1, 2, 3, 4,
   1, 2, 3, 4 ;

How to interpret

1) See CF-1.8 conventions.
2) See the timeSeries featureType.
3) See the geometry attribute on the data variable. 4) See the geometry_type in the variable referenced by the geometry attribute.
5) Iterate over geometries found in the node_coordinates variable. Geometries are found using the node_count variable. Geometry parts are found using the part_node_count and interior_ring variables.